Effective July 13, 2020 the Municipality of Powassan will be replacing the existing storm sewer system in front of the Powassan & District Union Public Library’s entrance, and through the Library’s parking lot. The replacement of this storm sewer system will require the excavation of this area, so that the existing storm sewer can be removed and replaced. The Municipality of Powassan requests its residents and all people interested in using the Library, to park at the Municipal Office (250 Clark Street), and walk over to the Library.
To ensure the safety of our workers and the general public, the Municipality requests that all residents stay clear of the work zone, and heavy equipment. The Municipality expects to have this storm sewer system replacement completed by July 31, 2020.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this construction work, please do not hesitate to contact Codey Munshaw at 705-724-2813 ext. 202. For information regarding the library hours of operation, please visit the Powassan & District Union Public Library’s webpage : https://www.powassanlibrary.com/