Notice of Public Open House Workshop
for the Zoning By-law Update
for the Municipality of Powassan
Council for the Municipality of Powassan has initiated a work program to update its Zoning By-law. A Zoning By-law is a regulatory document that establishes land use categories, land use permissions and regulations for the use of land, buildings and structures in a municipality. The update will address amongst other matters, secondary suites, parking provisions, accessory uses, licensed mineral aggregate pits, and will also include new mapping to reflect current parcel mapping and highway/interchange locations.
Interested members of the public are welcome to attend this informal open house to learn more about this important community project. Please note this is not a regular meeting of Council. The Open House will be held on:
Open House: Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
Time(s): 2 to 4 pm & 5 to 7 pm
Council Chambers – 466 Main St., PowassanCouncil has reviewed and received a draft update of proposed modifications to the current Zoning By-law. This draft document together with zone maps can be downloaded from the Municipality’s website at
If you cannot attend the open house but would like further information regarding the Municipality’s Zoning By-law Update, please contact Ms. Kimberly Bester, Deputy-Clerk at the Municipality of Powassan at 705-725-2813, e-mail Kbester@powassan.netor Mr. Chris Jones MCIP, RPP of Municipal Planning Services Ltd. 705-725-8133, e-mail at
Municipality of Powassan- proposed house keeping amendant- bylaw#2003-38
Municipality of Powassan zoning bylaw schedule A-Powassan Urban Rural Area
Municipality of Powassan Zoning Bylaw Schedule B-Powassan Urban Area
Municipality of Powassan Zoning Bylaw Schedule C-Trout Creek Urban Area