The Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan
Re: Minor Variance to seek relief from provisions of the Zoning By-law 2003-38 in accordance with Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.File #. 2020-03Re: Applicants: Kyle & Sara Good
Location of Property: Part Lot 1, Lot 11, Concession 14, RP 42R-6040(219 Lindquist Line) - Refer to key map
Present Status of Land Subject to Application: Lands are presently used for residential purposes.
Purpose of the Application: The Applicant is requesting relief from Section 3.1 (f) which permits accessory buildings only in the side or rear yards and from Section 4.4.2 (ii) which provides a minimum front yard setback of 30 m in the Rural zone. Relief is also required from Section 3.1 © which limits the height of accessory buildings to 5 m. The Applicant would like to construct the detached garage approximately 5.8 metres from the front yard lot line, with a portion being in front of the existing house. The height of the building will be 5.79 m.
Additional Information: If you require additional information or have any questions with respect to this application please contact Ms. Kimberly Bester, Secretary-Treasurer at 705-724-2813. TAKE NOTICE THAT an application under the above file number will be heard by the Committee of Adjustment on the date and time and place shown below, under the authority of Section 45 of the Planning Act.
PUBLIC HEARING: You are entitled to attend this hearing in person or you may be represented by Counsel or an Agent to give evidence about the application. Signed, written submissions that relate to this application shall be accepted by the Secretary-Treasurer before or during the hearing of the application at the address above and shall be available to any interested person for inspection prior to or at the hearing.
FAILURE TO ATTEND: If you do not attend at this Public Hearing, it may proceed in your absence and except otherwise provided in the Planning Act, you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.
NOTE: If the Provincial State of Emergency is not lifted prior to the date of the public meeting, this will be a virtual meeting. If you wish to attend the virtual meeting, please call or email the Municipal office prior to the day of the public meeting so that you can be provided with a link to the meeting. If you do not have the capability to attend a virtual meeting, please provide written comments and a phone number where you can be reached to Deputy Clerk, Kimberly Bester prior to the public meeting.
NOTICE OF DECISION: A certified copy of the decision, together with a notice of the last day of appealing to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal shall be sent, no later than 10 days from the making of the decision, to the applicant, and to each person who appeared in person or by counsel at the hearing and who filed a request for notice of the decision.
Dated this 21ST DAY OF MAY 2020Ms. Kimberly Bester, Secretary-Treasurer Powassan Committee of AdjustmentBox 250, Powassan ON P0H 1Z0