Bylaws 2011


By-Law Number Purpose
2011-01  to appoint Maureen Lang as Acting-Clerk for the closed session portion of the January 4, 2011 Council meeting
2011-02  to appoint Maureen Lang as Deputy Clerk under section 228(2) of the Municipal Act for replacement purposes
2011-03 to establish a Travel Policy
2011-05 to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and the South Shore-Restoule Snowmobile Club
2011-07 to adopt the water and wastewater budgets
2011-08 to enact rules and regulations for the supply of potable water by the municipality to its residents, including penalties for offences
2011-09 to authorize a Shared Services Agreement with the Corporation of the Municipality of Callander for the services of their Chief Building Official
2011-10 to appoint an Acting-CAO/Clerk
2011-11 to specify the clawback percentages, capping threshold parameters and the minimum tax level for capped properties within the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan for 2011
2011-12 to set tax ratios for municipal purposes for the year 2011
2011-13 to appoint a Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Alternate
2011-14 to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Ministry of Natural Resources for forest fire management
2011-15 to provide for the adoption of tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof for 2011
2011-16 to appoint an Economic Development Officer
2011-17 to appoint a Municipal Weed Inspector
2011-18 to appoint a Clerk-Treasurer
2011-19 to stop up, close and sell portion of Genesee Lake Road Allowance namely: Part 3 of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, Concession 11 (part of PIN 52209-0548(LT))
2011-20 to authorize an amending agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Ontario Provincial Police for police services
2011-21 to Appoint a Deputy-Chief Building Official and Building Inspector
2011-22 procedural By-law
2011-23 to enter into a lease agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and the Powassan Lions Club
2011-24 to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Ontario Provincial Police for police services


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The Municipality of Powassan
250 Clark Street PO Box 250 Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 | Phone: 705-724-2813 | Fax: 705-724-5533 |

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