Bylaws 2017

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Bylaw 2017-01  By-law to authorize borrowing for 2017

Bylaw 2017-02  By-law to provide for interim tax levy

Bylaw 2017-03  By-law to close up highways for the purpose of the 20th Anniversary of the Powassan Maple Syrup Festival

Bylaw 2017-04  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and Eides Residential Home

Bylaw 2017-05  By-law to establish policies for the sale and disposition of land by the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan

Bylaw 2017-06  By-law to close up highways for the purpose of safety while a movie is being filmed

Bylaw 2017-07  By-law to adopt the water and wastewater budgets for 2017

Bylaw 2017-08  By-law to adopt the 2017 Municipal Budget 

Bylaw 2017-09  By-law for the use, regulation and protection of municipal parks and recreation areas

Bylaw 2017-10  By-law to set tax ratios for municipal purposes for the year 2017

Bylaw 2017-11  By-law to exit Capping

Bylaw 2017-12  By-law to provide for the adoption of tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof 2017

Bylaw 2017-13  By-law to amend the User Fee By-law which imposes fees or charges for services provided by the Corporation of the Muicipality of owassan

Bylaw 2017-14  By-law to provide a general liability/property insurance program for the Municipality of Powassan

Bylaw 2017-15  By-law to permit business(es) to remain open on holidays

Bylaw 2017-17  By-law to enter into a site plan agreement

Bylaw 2017-20  By-law to appoint a Compliance Audit Committee under the Municipal Elections Act for the Municipality of Powassan

Bylaw 2017-21  By-law to amend the User Fee by-law 2015-15

Bylaw 2017-22  By-law to appoint a Landfill Site Operator

Bylaw 2017-24  By-law to authorize the sale of 105 Edward Street to Pioneer Canadian Inc (In Trust)

Bylaw 2017-25  By-law to appoint an Integrity Commissioner

Bylaw 2017-26  By-law to close up highways for the purpose of the Parade of Lights

Bylaw 2017-27  By-law to authorize certan new Capital Works of the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan

Bylaw 2017-28  By-law to appoint a Community Emergency Mangement Coordinator and Alternate

Bylaw 2017-30  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and the Ontario Clean Water Agency for the provision of operation and maintenance services of the water and wastewater facilities

Bylaw 2017-31  By-law to provide for reduced hours on voting day in institutions and retirement homes

Bylaw 2017-32  By-law to amend By-law No. 2003-38, as amended, the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Powassan

The Municipality of Powassan
250 Clark Street PO Box 250 Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 | Phone: 705-724-2813 | Fax: 705-724-5533 |

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