By-Laws 2016


2016-01  By-law to record the OMB decision re Rocky Ridge Aggregates Inc., Haul Route Agreement and Minutes of Settlement

2016-02  By-law to authorize Borrowing for 2016

2016-03  By-law to provide for an interim Tax Levy for 2016

2016-04  By-law to specify the clawback percentages, capping threshold parameters and the minimum tax level for capped properties within the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan 2016

2016-05  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Ministry of Natural Resources for forest fire management

2016-06  By-law to appoint a Public Works Assistant

2016-07  By-law to provide for the registration, licensing and regulation of dogs, regulation of kennels, and prohibition of the running at large of dogs in the Municipality of Powasan

2016-08  By-law to adopt the water and wastewater budgets for 2016

2016-09  By-law to adopt the 2016 Municipal Budget

2016-10  By-law to establish standards respecting exterior property maintenance and grass control on residential lands

2016-11  By-law to appoint a Garbage Collector-Driver

2016-12  By-law to appoint a temporary Fire Prevention Officer

2016-13  By-law to appoint a Landfill Site Operator

2016-14  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and Eastholme, Home for the Aged for the lease of the property known as the Pines Trails and Powassan Mountain

2016-15  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and the Nipissing-Parry Sound Student Transportation Services

2016-16  By-law to set tax ratios for municipal purposes for the year 2016

2016-17  By-law re Property Tax Rate Calculation Adjustments and Capping Program exit

2016-18  By-law to provide for the adoption of tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof for 2016

2016-19  By-law to provide a general liability/property insurance programs for the Municipalty of Powassan

2016-20  By-law to deem a lot in a registered plan of subdivision to no longer be a lot in a registered plan

2016-21  By-law to appoint an Acting Deputy Clerk

2016-22  By-law to appoint a Deputy Fire Chief for Station 1 and Station 2 for the Municipality of Powassan Fire Department

2016-23  By-law to establish a public highway to provide access to Fairview Industrial Park

2016-24  By-law to appoint a temporary Fire Prevention Officer/Administrative Support for the Municipality of Powassan

2016-25  By-law to appoint an Acting Deputy Treasurer

2016-26  By-law to stop up, close and sell the road allowance

2016-27  By-law to authorize an Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan and The Powassan Voodoo Hockey Club

2016-28  By-law to amend By-law No. 2003-38, as amended, the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Powassan

2016-29  By-law to require the erection and maintenance of fences around private outdoor swimming pools

2016-30  By-law to appoint a Bar and Food Services Coordinator

2016-31  By-law to authorize a Contribution Agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for the OCIF-Formula Bsed-Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund

2016-32  By-law to authorize the sale of property in Fairview Industrial Park (DURA)

2016-33  By-law to authroize the sale of property in Fairview Industrial Park (BYERS)

2016-34  By-law to authorize the sale of Municipally owned land in Trout Creek

2016-35  By-law to authroize the purchase of 250 Clark Street, Powassan

2016-36  By-law to authorize the purchase of 62 King Street-Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 453

2016-37  By-law to authorize an agreement between the Municipality of Powassan and the Municipalities of Bonfield, Callander, Chisholm, East Ferris and Nipissing for mutual aide and assistance in the event of an emergency situation

2016-38  By-law to amend By-law 2003-38, as amended, the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Powassan

2016-39  By-law to amend By-law 2003-38, as amended, the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Powassan

2016-40  By-law to Rescind By-law No. 55-Township of Himsworth


The Municipality of Powassan
250 Clark Street PO Box 250 Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 | Phone: 705-724-2813 | Fax: 705-724-5533 |

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